How to Discover your Sixth Sense

Learning how to discover your sixth sense requires an open mind.  Lord Thomas Dewar said it well:

Minds are like parachutes.  They work best when open.

We are all very experienced at using five senses; (sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell). 

However, you have and can further develop another type of sense.  This is your sixth sense or intuitive sense.Trust Sixth Sense

In the Soul Artist series of courses, you learn to open your mind using imagination exercises.   Exercises like these help you become more comfortable connecting to your innate intuitive ability. 

In addition, you learn about the chakras.  Tuning your chakras helps you better harness your intuitive ability.

Similarly, you learn to build daily practices of meditative activities.  Meditation is one of the best ways to connect to intuitive abilities.

You will learn how to discover your sixth sense in this blog post. 

Everyone has intuitive gifts, including you.  Perhaps you have heard the term ’The Clairs’.  These are claircognition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.

logic vs. intuition 6th senseOne way to discover your sixth sense is to take Interact’s quiz to see which of the intuitive gifts is strongest for you.

These ‘sixth sense’ gifts give you the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning.  As a result, the gap is bridged between the conscious and subconscious parts of your mind. 

If you are like me, you may initially be uncomfortable with the idea of placing greater reliance on your instincts. However, I encourage you to learn more with an open mind.  

I had to open my mind to overcome my bias that my left brain was more powerful than my right brain.  In other words, my rational mind ‘knew more’ than my gut feelings. You may surprise yourself when you discover how much you can trust your innate knowing.

Let’s dive into The Clairs to learn more.


This is the “Clair’ that many people have heard of.  Clairvoyance means “clear seeing,” which refers to psychic seeing. Wikipedia defines clairvoyance as the ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception. Any person who is claimed to have such ability is said accordingly to be a clairvoyant.

If you have ever visited a psychic or medium for a reading, you may have your own understanding.  Different psychic practitioners have various depictions of what they see and how they see it. For some, the information received appears as a type of mental movie screen that provides messages in the form of pictures and symbols.

Discovering your sixth sense of Clairvoyance

If you possess the gift of clairvoyance, you have probably experienced this ability showing up during your life.

However, many clairvoyant people dismiss their clairvoyant gifts and quell the messages they receive.  In other words, they may label the information coming to them as wishful thinking, or an overactive imagination.  

Indications you have the gift of Clairvoyance.  You may have clairvoyant abilities if:

  • People tell you that you have a vivid imaginationSixth Sense
  • You notice people’s energy field or ‘aura’
  • In your inner vision or mind’s eye you experience subtle images, colors, and symbols; perhaps like a mental video 
  • Your dreams are vivid
  • The phrase, ‘I see’ is often in your vocabulary
  • Understanding patterns, solving puzzles, and problem-solving come naturally to you.  In other words, you see how pieces fit together.
  • Day-dreaming and being imaginative come easily to you
  • Visualization and creativity are natural processes for you
  • People describe you as creative

If some of those sentences ring true for you, you may have the gift of clairvoyance.


Claircognizance is clear knowing.  It is your ability to acquire information or knowledge without knowing how or why you know it.

Discovering your sixth sense of Claircognition

Claircognition is a deep inner knowing.  For example, it may manifest as an intense gut feeling that compels you to pay attention to the guidance.

This knowing can appear in a few different ways.  One way is like a conversation between you and your wise inner self.  Similarly, if you journal to sort out your impressions, you may find guidance in allowing information to be revealed as you write.  Not only can information come in through writing, but it can also be experienced as a sudden bright and clear idea.

Indications You Have The Gift of Claircognition

If you nurture and access your intuitive gifts, including claircognition, this can provide you with a greater understanding of love and life.  More importantly, this investment can change the quality and experience of your life.  

Have you ever had the experience of knowing something without taking steps to obtain that knowledge? 

An indication that you have the gift of claircognition is inherently knowing a piece of information and then later learning that your intuition was correct by the outcome of the situation.

You may have claircognizant abilities if:

  • Your mind is teeming with ideas and possibilitiesClaircognition
  • You use phrases such as, ‘I just know somehow’
  • Some skills come naturally to you with little training or practice
  • You tend to rely on intuition and trust your gut feelings 
  • Inspiration flashes come to you frequently 
  • You are logical and enjoy thinking exercises
  • Feelings of deja-vu (like you’ve experienced this before)
  • Solutions and problem-solving can come easily to you

If some of those sentences rang true for you, you may have the gift of claircognition. 


Clairaudience (clear hearing) may come to you in one of two ways.  First, it can manifest internally as though you hear something in your mind.  Secondly, it may be heard as a voice or message coming from outside yourself.

Clairaudience is described as the power to hear sounds said to exist beyond the reach of ordinary experience or capacity, according to

A person with the gift of clairaudience may say that messages come in like a thought, but are louder and more pronounced.  Mediums can describe it as words popping into their head and coming through unfiltered, directly to the client to further illustrate a point. 

Discovering your sixth sense of Clairaudience

If you possess the gift of clairaudience, you may notice that you pick up on more of what is happening than most people.   Many individuals with the gift of clairaudience will use their abilities in their lives on a daily basis without even being aware of it.

Indications You Have The Gift of Clairaudience

  • Listening and hearing are natural giftsClairaudience
  • You use phrases such as ‘I hear what you’re saying’
  • Talking to yourself — even out loud is natural for you
  • You can calm yourself with words and affirmations
  • Hearing things that others don’t
  • Listening to learn comes naturally to you
  • You may hear or sense spoken words that are helpful and encouraging.  
  • Giving others on-target advice and comfort is something you are known for
  • Music plays a big role in your life
  • You are more of a listener than a talker

If some of the phrases above ring true for you, you may have the gift of clairaudience. 


The final of the four ‘Clair’ senses is clairsentience.  Clairsentience (clear feeling) refers to the ability to sense information about the past, the present, and future including the emotional state of other people.

Have you ever sensed information that comes as a tactical psychic feeling as you walk into a room?  As though you can read the energy?

If you have ever touched an object, such as a piece of jewelry in a vintage shop, and sensed something about the former owner of that object, you may have this intuitive gift.

Or, you read a passage from a book about a place or time in history and experience chills?

Discovering your sixth sense of Clairsentience

If you possess the gift of clairsentience, you may feel things deeply.  You sense that you can feel the present, past, or future physical and emotional states of others.

Do you often intuit other people’s motives, feelings, and next moves without even interacting with them directly?  Perhaps your loved ones see you as the go-to person when it comes to sensing energy.

Indications You Have The Gift of Clairsentience

  • Experiencing things personally is your go-to approachClairsentience
  • You tend to use the phrase, ‘I feel’ or ‘I sense that…’.
  • Recharging comes with quiet time in nature or around animals
  • Your environment impacts you because you feel sensitive to the energies around you
  • Goosebumps, chills, and tingles may be a common experience
  • You feel empathetic to other’s emotions and energies
  • Large crowds and busy places can drain you
  • You believe you can sense someone’s intentions
  • Understanding and relating to other’s situations come naturally for you
  • Moods and emotions can be sudden, and sometimes for no apparent reason
  • Sensitivity to people, places, and things comes naturally to you
  • You may sense intuitive messages in vintage items; even in looking at other people’s photos

If some of those descriptions ring true for you, you may have the gift of clairsentience.

You may experience more than one psychic ability. As a matter of fact, some people possess all four intuitive senses.

Most importantly, all of us can further develop our intuitive abilities.   Some of us have a predisposition to one or more abilities, but we can all develop them over our lifetime. 

If you would like to discover more about yourself and find ways to fill your life with greater contentment, meaning, and purpose, I encourage you to take a look at my courses.  The Soul Artist Experience 1.0 is the first course in my signature series.

Thank you for reading this post. Feel free to share it.

Find out more about my journey through my book on Amazon: Vision Quest; A Journey to Happiness by Jane Ramsey.
Watch my YouTube video about freeing your inner artist.
Watch my YouTube video explaining the courses I teach.
Read how Creativity is like Meditation here.
Learn the Benefits of Pranayama.
Interested in the Universal Laws?  The Blogs for each of the twelve Laws are found below:
Divine Oneness here.Jane Ramsey
Vibration here.
Correspondence here.
Attraction here.
Inspired Action here.
Perpetual Transmutation of Energy here.
Cause and Effect here.
Compensation here.
Relativity here.
Polarity here.
Rhythm here.
Gender here.
Read how Creativity is like Meditation here.

Jane Ramsey is an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine

Learn the Benefits of Pranayama.
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