Enrich your Life with Daily Meditation

Why Meditate?

We all look for ways to bring more balance, serenity, meaning, and purpose into our lives.  A wonderful way to achieve more balance is to start or refresh a daily meditation practice.  Meditation is the best gift you can give yourself.  I offer a free online meditation course that helps you enrich your life with a strong daily practice.

learn how to meditate in a free online course meditate for meaning and purposemeditate to reduce stress

My online courses in meditation include guided meditation, meditation for creativity and inspiration, mindfulness meditation, how to meditate for beginners, mantra meditation, how to develop imagination skills, and a free online meditation course.  During the pandemic, many people found it difficult to settle their thoughts and find a sense of calm.  As a result, many people were drawn to find ways to meditate. 

More people than ever are taking meditation courses.

My students cite a number of reasons they want to learn to meditate, including; reduced stress, better health, greater happiness, more focus, better relationships, and expanded creativity.

Meditation allows us to expand; for example, to be more creative, more loving, more capable, to have greater clarity of thinking; more wholeness, and health.  

happiness meditation for healthwelness

One thing this past year has taught me is that I can’t control external events.   However, I can control the way I respond to whatever life brings; we can always make the choice to respond at the highest level.    Taking advantage of the free online meditation course will help you enrich your life.

We can always choose to respond at the highest level.

Meditation helps take me away from a knee-jerk or ego response to a more thoughtful and considered response.

What happens when we meditate?

When we meditate, we settle into quieter levels of awareness until we experience the pure silence within. The process of going within brings about wonderful side benefits; for example, the release of accumulated tension, stress, and fatigue.  Meditation also helps us discover who we really are and allows us to get clearer on how to create life as we want it to be.  

Why do I teach meditation courses?

The idea of creating more capacity in our own human potential is very powerful for me.  It is powerful because I want people to be able to bring more of who they are to the world and use their gifts and talents to make a difference.

As a certified meditation instructor, I have experience with many kinds of meditation.  For example,  mantra meditation, guided meditation, mindfulness, lovingkindness meditation, body scans and relaxation, call and response chanting, and focusing on breathing techniques.

What are the benefits of meditation?

Regular meditation brings about benefits to mind, body, and spirit.  In meditation, which is an inward journey, the mind-body system experiences deep rest as it transitions into a state of restful awareness. Rest is how the body heals itself. When we make this inward journey, we have expanded awareness and we begin to release stress. As a result, we experience many physiological benefits; heart rate decreases, blood pressure normalizes, we breathe more deeply, stress hormones reduce, immunity is strengthened and anxiety decreases.  Our bodies produce more of the telomerase enzyme and anti-aging hormones, and inflammation decreases.

Meditation gives us access to our inner silence. When our body/mind experiences less stress, we have more creativity and enthusiasm for life.

I am passionate about meditation because I have experienced the benefits first-hand.  Now in my sixties, I feel better than ever.   Meditation has had a tremendous impact on my emotional life and in daily joy and relationships.  

I feel more grateful, more vital, more energetic, more peaceful than ever, and I see abundance growing in my life.

 – Jane Ramsey

I love to teach meditation courses.  And, I always feel honored to introduce someone to ways they can find greater peace and happiness in life.

Meditation serenitypeace

What will I learn in the free online course; Enrich your Life with Daily Meditation?

If you are interested in developing a daily meditation practice, consider signing up for my free online course which includes fifteen brief video lessons on demand.

I will teach you what meditation is, how to meditate, how often to meditate, the optimum times to meditate and I will give you tips on staying regular with your practice.  

I will provide you with a journal and downloadable daily meditations to follow and give you access to bonus meditations and pranayama to keep your practice vital, vibrant, and fresh.

And, if you decide you want to go deeper in your meditation practice I will tell you some ways to do that and describe the other courses that I teach. 

Why would I gift this meditation course for free? 

There are three main reasons I want to offer this free course.

One, because meditation has had an amazingly positive impact on my life.  I am passionate about the benefits of meditation.  I want to share my knowledge so that other people can find greater happiness and get more out of life.

Secondly, this has been such an unsettling year, I want to give something back to the world.  I feel drawn to use what I know to help other people find balance and peace.

Thirdly, I teach some more classes related to meditation and if you like my teaching style, you might consider taking another class with me.  

In conclusion, here’s how to sign up for the free online meditation class:

Enroll in Enrich your Life with Daily Meditation

Browse courses by Jane Ramsey

Find out more about Jane Ramsey

Learn about Jane Ramsey’s Book; Vision Quest; a journey to happiness

I hope to see you in class!



p.s. Here’s a quick video that explains more: